The land of Israel is connected to Jordan. There are 3 crossings that you can use to get from Israel to Jordan or vice versa. It’s not difficult to visit Jordan from Israel.
Land Border
These are the 3 land crossings. They all have two names… That is why it can be confusing sometimes.
Here’s the confusing part: Which border accepts Jordan Pass? (equivalent to visa), and the other rules.
Basically, all 3 crossings accept Jordan Pass, including King Hussein Bridge/Allenby Bridge crossing!
If you don’t want to buy Jordan Pass, you can get a visa on arrival at BOTH the northern and Southern border (tested on 28th Oct 2018)
Other Name: Sheikh Hussein
Opening Hours:06:30AM-8:30PM (Mon~ Thur) / 08:30AM-6:30PM (Fri, Sat)
Exit Tax: ₪102+5 from Israel or 10JD from Jordan
Visa: Jordan Pass accepted. Visa on Arrival available.
Other Name: King Hussein Bridge
Opening Hours:8:30AM-00:00AM (Mon~ Thur) / 8AM-3PM (Fri, Sat)
Exit Tax: ₪181 (2019) from Israel or 10JD from Jordan
Visa: Jordan Pass accepted. Really!
This border can be crowded!Other Name: Wadi Araba Crossing
Opening Hours:6:30AM-8PM (Mon~ Thur) / 8AM-8PM (Fri, Sat)
Exit Tax: ₪102+5 (2019) from Israel. No exit tax from Jordan.
Visa: Jordan Pass accepted, only if you stay for 3 nights!
Opening Hours on Jewish Holidays
Note that during Jewish holidays, the opening hours are shortened. It’s recommended that you refer to this document to confirm the hours.
Be aware of the Day of Atonement, and Muslim’sEid Al Adha. On these days all crossings close..!And just a heads up on how a ‘day’ is defined. Jewish days start 6 hours earlier. So if 19th Sep is the Day of Atonement, that actually means the sunset on 18th. So it means there will be no public transportation afternoon on 18th. You just have to convert the time, as this is something that “you are supposed to know” in Israel!
Transportation Tips
1. Jordan River Crossing
Go to Beit She’an by bus. Then it’s ₪50 a taxi to the border. Luggage is ₪5 a piece. Remember there’s a departure tax for ₪106. Shuttle Bus between two borders is compulsory and charges ₪5.5. From Jordanian side, get a taxi to Amman for 44JD. Alternatively, spend some time in Jerash before going to Amman, expect to pay 55-60JD.
You can read this experience here.

2. To Tiberias: ₪180 taxi
1. To Amman: Taxi 36JD
2.To Jerash+Amman: Taxi 55-60JD
3.To Irbid : Bus 1JD/ Taxi 22JD
4.To Queen Alia Airport (AMM): Taxi 57JD
5.To Dead Sea: Taxi 57JD
6.To Petra: Taxi 142 JD
If you are short on time, Abraham offers a 2D1N Petra tour, leaving from Nazareth and concluding the tour next evening in Jerusalem/Tel Aviv. You can cover Jerash, Amman AND Petra in 2 days!
2. Allenby Bridge Crossing
The easiest gateway between Jerusalem and Amman. Since the border is in West Bank, which Jordan lost in 1967, this is the only border where you will NOT receive a Jordanian exit/entry stamp in your passport! And since this is the only border people from Palestinian Authority Territory can use, it is crowded and take you 1-4 hours to go through.
If you leave Jordan from this border, and return to Jordan using the same border, then you don’t need to pay for visa again! (Within 2 weeks time frame only) You CAN use a Jordan Pass to enter from this border.(Picture:Masha Lloyd’s blog)
1. To Amman: Taxi 25JD / *Or 11JD with JETT bus from downtown at 7AM
2. To Dead Sea: Taxi 25JD
3. To Madaba: Taxi 15JD
3. Yitzhak Rabin Crossing
There are two borders in Eilat. One goes to Aqaba in Jordan. The other goes to Taba in Egypt. Don’t go to the wrong border! From Jerusalem, taxi bus 444, get off early at Rabbin border-Road 90, then walk to the border!
(Picture:Wikimedia )
1. To Petra: Taxi 50JD
2. To Wadi Rum: Taxi 30-35JD (2018.01)
3. To Wadi Rum (3 hours waiting time) + Petra: Taxi 80JD (2017.09)
4. To Aqaba: Taxi 10JD (reverse 6JD)