Jerusalem has been a popular place for pilgrims since crusader’s time. Pilgrimage Houses can be found in many places in Israel, usually in the prime locations as these churches bought land before the establishment of the state of Israel. The facilities are basic, the atmosphere is friendly, and usually with impeccable cleanliness. But it’s usually more expensive than hostels!! Could be a good option, if you are looking forward to a “Holy Land” kind of experience!
There are at least 30+ pilgrim houses in Jerusalem alone. And 30+ more around Israel in Acre, Bethlehem, Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, and Tel Aviv. I’m including guest houses opened by Messianic Jews in this post too.
Some pilgrim houses are quite pricy. These are 6 options that I would personally prioritize considering value for money:
If you have higher budget, maybe you can consider these options:
Tel Aviv
Other Websites
For other options not listed above, perhaps take a look on these websites: