Sea of Galilee: Daniel’s Worship Boat

: Noon?

: ₪50

: 1 hour

: Here


Taking a boat ride in the Sea of Galilee? Sounds like something you’d do in the Bible! But that’s definitely an experience you CAN have when you come to Israel, the land of the Bible. If you want to go on a worship boat (Christian songs and dances) then check out Daniel’s worship boat! The ride is for about an hour and the price is 50NIS. Call 1-2 days in advance if you are individuals to make a reservation.


Daniel’s Worship Boat

I came to know about Daniel from Zola Levitt. Daniel was born in 1964 and was adopted into another family. His biological mother was an orthodox woman but was unmarried when she conceived Daniel. Later, Daniel moved from Haifa to Galilee as an adult so he could be closer to his biological siblings. He found himself a job as crewman here, and it was right on this Sea of Galilee that he became a believer in Messiah!  He started his own worship boat company in 2007!


My Experience

I made my reservation by calling 2 days in advance. Daniel confirmed the availability with us. It’s recommended to arrive the dock at least 10 minutes before departure. (And it takes at least 4 minutes to walk from parking to the dock)
Before departing, Daniel the captain welcomed us. The man in blue t-shirt is Daniel.
A boat could host 40 people I think. There’s not much difference sitting on either side. The group we joined was a 20-people group from the Netherlands. Then it’s another family and us. That’s all!
Feel free to walk around and take pictures!
English songs were played on CD for about 20 minutes. It’s quite a surreal experience to listen to those songs in the Sea of Galilee!

About halfway through the program, Daniel started playing music and leading the worship. He taught us some Hebrew words such as  “Gadol” “Adonai”, which are used to sing “How Great is Our God”. Then after this song, he played a few more songs, I think the last one was composed by him.

It’s true that souvenirs were sold on the boat. Someone said the boat ride is commercialized. But why was he or she bothered? If this isn’t the right venue for selling souvenir, where else would be a better place? Online? Well, I remember Daniel’s CD was for ₪50. It’s not expensive. By the way, I paid my boat fee at this point.
And… let’s head back!

The Docks

I took my ride from Ginosar Kibbutz. Better with a car.  


You’ll find yourself entering Ginosar kibbutz (tell the guard “boat ride”). Park your car and walk towards the Boat museum (there is a boat from Yeshua’s time)


You’ll see the dock right behind the museum!


And voila!


Other Option?

You can probably find a boat ride in Tiberias. For 30 minutes it costs ₪30. No reservation needed.


Honest Opinion?

Well, it depends on your budget. For me, a boat ride is “okay” experience. But for some people, this is once in a lifetime thing. If you are going on a boat ride, as Christian it makes sense to book Daniel’s worship boat.

Yes, I know ₪50 is not ₪30, but this is what Daniel does for a living. And plus the ride comes with worship and it is longer. On the other hand, see it as a way to bless the Messianic community!


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