Hebrew Word Study – Wonder Israel https://wonderisrael.com It's Time to Go Sun, 28 Mar 2021 03:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.1.19 https://wonderisrael.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-Wonder-Israel-150x150.png Hebrew Word Study – Wonder Israel https://wonderisrael.com 32 32 Hebrew Word Study: Masada מצדה https://wonderisrael.com/hebrew-word-study-masada/ Wed, 05 Dec 2018 19:37:21 +0000 http://wonderisrael.com/?p=10197 Herod, who madly loved architecture, built an extravagant five-star resort on a cliff in the wilderness of Judah. Obviously, water resources would have been a problem, but there were facilities such as saunas and swimming pool here. From the height of 400 meters, the jaw-dropping view of the Dead Sea is unobstructed. This famous site from 2,000 years ago is known as Masada.


מצדה = Masada is Fortress

 מצדה, (Masada/Matsada) this word means fortress in modern Hebrew. It is a place of refuge and protection. This word has appeared in the Bible many times as fortress or stronghold.

I love You, Adonai my strength! Adonai is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in Him I take refuge, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold. (מצודתי = Masada) (Psalms 18:1-2)

I will say of Adonai“He is my refuge and my fortress  (מצודתי = Masada) my God, in whom I trust. (Psalms 91:2)


Masada may be the best model of “fortress”. A “fortress” should have a superior strategic position so that it is difficult to break. This word also has a meaning of “net” or “hunt”, because when an enemy enters into attack range, it is like entering the snare.

After the Jewish Revolt failed in 66 AD, the Jewish warriors who stayed behind in Masada faced attacks by 8 battalions of Legio X Freeness through Snake Path. But they easily defeated them with stones, bows, and arrows. They were under a siege, but abundant storage of food could last them at least for four years. And there was no shortage of water. It’s recorded that soldiers showed off by hanging washed clothes to show Romans just how much water was available.

But who would have thought that the Roman army had built a ramp that could directly break the gate of Masada? One could imagine what those 968 Jews in Masada felt when reading this passage:

In You, Adonai, have I taken refuge: Let me never be put to shame. In Your righteousness, deliver me. Turn Your ear to me, rescue me quickly. Be a rock of refuge for me, a stronghold for my deliverance. Since You are my rock and my fortress (מצודתי = Masada) You lead me and guide me for Your Name’s sake. (Psalms 31:1-3)

In the eve of Passover, the wall of Masada stronghold was smashed, and the Roman army barged in but only to find dead silence and corpses. So many of them, including women and children. These Jews rather chose to end their lives than to be slaves of the Romans. Masada was already the last standing fortress of the Jews, the second temple had already been destroyed, it seemed like this people who made a covenant with God ended in tragedy. They would soon be forgotten history.


But not quite so. The Jews in diaspora didn’t forget their God. Every Hanukkah, the Jews remember how God helped the Maccabees miraculously defeated the Greek rulers, and took back the desecrated temple. Or during Purim, they commemorate how God helped Esther and Mordechai and the whole Jewish nation not to perish.

Although Masada fell, the real fortress was never shaken.

Who would have imagined that God lifted up a banner for the nations, and gather the scattered of Judah? On the contrary, the once glorious Roman Empire ceased to exist. The Jews re-established their homeland. In 1955, archaeologists rediscovered “Masada”. Modern Israelis especially like to hike up through snake path, watch the sunrise or pray morning prayers here.  Some have their Bar Mitzvah here. And Israeli IDF new recruits come to Masada to make a vow that “Masada will never fall again.”


There is always fear in life, and we want God intervenes and saves us quickly. We don’t like to suffer. But when prayer is not immediately heard or the situation is not improved, we may start to doubt or question God. But the trick is, we should allow more time in waiting. Because the God who brought Israel back to the promise land still saves. He is still that stable and strong “Masada”

Hebrew Word Study: God with Us עמנואל (Emmanuel) https://wonderisrael.com/emmanuel/ Thu, 15 Nov 2018 19:20:34 +0000 http://wonderisrael.com/?p=10024 Emmanuel or Immanuel. We are quite familiar with this Hebrew Word: God with us. This is one of those verses that get frequently read:

She will give birth to a son; and you shall call His name Yeshua, for He will save His people from their sins.”

Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by Adonai through the prophet, saying,  “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and give birth to a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” (Matthew 1:21-23)

The word Emmanuel עמנואל can be split into 3 parts:

  • With  עמ (em)
  • Us נו (nu)
  • God  אל (el)

So it means God with us.  (God is with us).

God’s name reveals His nature. God isn’t restricted by time. He is “I am”, He is “the beginning and the end”. He is “who is and who was and who is to come”.

Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Yeshua, which means salvation. This is His name, and this redemption plan existed way before the Messiah was born on this earth. It’s very likely that the redemption plan existed even before the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was planted. Or even before He created the heavens and the earth. This is who He is.

It means, as He exists, He has “included” us in Him. When there wasn’t even any “us”,  He calls Himself “God with Us”!

When we say “Emmanuel”, what picture do we have in mind? Is it a docile baby Jesus? But think again, actually, God has put His desire of “Emmanuel” into His festivals. We can see His desire from how He came to this earth as Son of Man, and the final ending He plans. That is “God with Us”. Forever.

God appointed people to go up to Jerusalem three times a year on Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacle. The Feast of Tabernacle is called Sukkot, the plural form of Sukkah, the temporary shelter.

In this holiday, we are specifically told to rejoice. Why must we be happy?

The tabernacle Moses built on earth is a shadow to what’s in heaven. The happy Sukkot is a rehearsal to the happy ending of “Emmanuel”. God with us. God wants to be with us again. We as His people, and He as our God.

 I also heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is among men, and He shall tabernacle among them. They shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them and be their God. (Revelation 21:3)


In the end, Israel will still stay in tents. That’s the ending.

“Yet I have been Adonai your God, since the land of Egypt. I will yet again make you dwell in tents,  as in the days of the moed.” (Hosea 12:9)

The scene of God dwelling with men was rehearsed when the Messiah came,

And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. (John 1:14)

The timing son of God came to the earth to be with us, the “Emmanuel” scene took place on Sukkot. The joyous festival.  The Word became flesh.


Pesach in spring points to the lamb that was slain and redemption. The feast of weeks points to the pouring of the Holy Spirit and spreading of good news, and then finally Sukkot points to God with us forever. The beginning was Emmanuel, so is the end.

Therefore those who don’t come to observe Sukkot, there will be no rain on their land. God’s heart is clear, that “we” will worship “God” together with Him. And He will enjoy this relationship that He looks forward to for thousands of years.

‘After this I will return
    and rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David.
I will rebuild its ruins
    and I will restore it,
so that the rest of humanity may seek the Lord—
namely all the Gentiles who are called by My name—
says Adonaiwho makes these things known from of old.’ (Acts 15:16-18)


Emmanuel isn’t a word of blessing. It is the creator’s desire to be His creation. From beginning till the end, this desire existed. This relationship is a part of Him, it is His name. Emmanuel.

Hebrew Word Study: Wonder פלא (Peleh) https://wonderisrael.com/peleh/ Tue, 25 Sep 2018 13:53:34 +0000 http://wonderisrael.com/?p=9988 There are 22 alphabets in Hebrew. The first letter is א.


The pronunciation is “aaaaaaaaah”. But when you call this letter, the name is אלף (alef). It’s like when you play poker, you see K and call it King.


A Hebrew alphabet not only gets a name, it gets a special numerical value too.

The value is 1 for א. But interestingly, when you write 1000 in Hebrew, it is also אלף! It’s the same in writing, only with different pronunciation! (Tomato tomato)

Therefore it makes sense

For a thousand (אֶ֪לֶף) years in Your sight
are like a day just passing by,
or like a watch in the night. (Psalms 90:4)

And the alphabet א symbolizes God. The first two letters of אלף already includes  אל (el), God in Hebrew. For example “El shaddai”.

And you write from right to left in Hebrew. If you see this word through reflection, then you will see another word


This word פלא (Pele) means wonder.


What God does is wonderful, because His name is  פלא wonder!!!!

The heavens praise Your wonders (פלא), Adonai
—Your faithfulness, too— (Psalms 89:6)


But the angel of Adonai said to him, “Why do you ask for my name? It is wonderful. (פלא)” (Judges 13:18)


For to us a child is born, a son will be given to us, and the government will be upon His shoulder. His Name will be called
    Wonderful (פלא) Counselor,
    Mighty God
    My Father of Eternity,
    Prince of Peace. 
(Isaiah 9:5)


There is a lot of beauty and mystery in Hebrew language God created!
