Star of Bethlehem – Wonder Israel It's Time to Go Sun, 28 Mar 2021 03:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Star of Bethlehem – Wonder Israel 32 32 Star of Bethlehem- Why a 14 Pointed Star? Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:02:28 +0000 In Bethlehem, at the place where it commemorates the exact birthplace of Jesus (Yeshua) in the Church of the Nativity, a 14-pointed Star is placed. It is called a Star of Bethlehem.

Why is it a 14 pointed star? Why 14?

Reason #1 : Yeshua’s Geneaology

The reason behind using 14 as number is because Jesus (Yeshua) was a Jew.  We know who he was, as his genealogy can be traced back to Abraham as it is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 1:

The book of the genealogy of Yeshua ha-Mashiach, Ben-David, Ben-Avraham:  Abraham fathered Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob, Jacob fathered Judah and his brothers, Judah fathered Perez and Zerah by Tamar,Perez fathered Hezron, Hezron fathered Ram, Ram fathered Amminadab, Amminadab fathered Nahshon, Nahshon fathered Salmon, Salmon fathered Boaz by Rahab, Boaz fathered Obed by Ruth, Obed fathered Jesse, and Jesse fathered David the king.

David fathered Solomon by the wife of Uriah,  Solomon fathered Rehoboam, Rehoboam fathered Abijah, Abijah fathered Asa, Asa fathered Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat fathered Joram, Joram fathered Uzziah, Uzziah fathered Jotham, Jotham fathered Ahaz, Ahaz fathered Hezekiah, 10 Hezekiah fathered Manasseh, Manasseh fathered Amon, Amon fathered Josiah, and Josiah fathered Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.

After the Babylonian exile Jeconiah fathered Shealtiel, Shealtiel fathered Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel fathered Abiud, Abiud fathered Eliakim, Eliakim fathered Azor, Azor fathered Zadok, Zadok fathered Achim, Achim fathered Eliud, Eliud fathered Eleazar, Eleazar fathered Matthan, Matthan fathered Jacob, and Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Miriam, from whom was born Yeshua who is called the Messiah. So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the Babylonian exile are fourteen generations, and from the Babylonian exile until the Messiah are fourteen generations.

It’s 14 generations from Abraham to David. Then 14 generation from Solomon to Hechoniah. And 14 generations from Shealtiel to Yeshua.


Reason #2: David’s Name

The 22 alphabets in Hebrew have numerical numbers. It’s like when playing poker, we can translate A as 1, J as 11, Q as 12, and K as 13.

So David’s name in Hebrew is  ודד (D-V-D)

d(ד) has the numerical value of 4.

v(ו) has the numerical value of 6. So 2 d(ד) and 1 v(ו) we get 4+6+4 = 14.

We get 14 again!


Hence, Yeshua being a descendant of David, at the place where many believe is the birthplace, a special 14 pointed star of Bethlehem is placed!

By the way, if you’re concerned about going to Bethlehem alone, you can take a Christmas Eve tour to Bethlehem with Abraham Tours!

(And on regular days, you can visit Bethlehem, the real Jordan River, Jericho and more with them in one day with their West Bank Tour!)
